
After an extended 9 month Second Life vacation, we are back ! We made the choice to come back as a new account, a fresh clean inventory and a rejoining of our parts, stronger than we have ever been before.

When we were discussing what we wanted from our return, we all agreed that we wanted to blog again. It is something that we have all enjoyed individually, and so stepping back into that role was an easy decision.

Walking into a whole new account meant a plethora of choices for bodies, and heads and all the THINGS ! We have made the choice that we do not wish to play musical bodies / heads, and the eBody Reborn body, met all the preferences that we all had. LeLutka was a very easy brand decision, but it took a bit of demo time to finally decide on the Ora head.

We made a conscious decision that blogging this time around, was not going to become a “click and post” thing. We have enough experience with that, as well as over extending ourselves and our posts became more about meeting deadlines, and less about our own creativity and personality. So we hope that you look forward to the ramblings that will go along with our cliquing !


ELIKATIRA – Summit Romper
Yummy – Love Birds Layered Necklace
TRUTH – Meadow
Lempika – 15 Eyeshadow #8
Muac – 16 Lipstick
Bootys Beauty – Oola Lashes



Foxcity – Eyes On Me

All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted

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