Rave Baby Rave

Days of Thanksgiving #12

Today we give thanks for the ever expanding selection of body types available in SL, and the creators who endeavor to keep up with all of them, as well as the mods for the existing ones. Before we left on our hiatus, the ReBorn body had not long been released, and we were all quite happy with the Legacy bodies we were already wearing. The additional expense of buying yet another, 3 times over, was not in our budget. When we returned and decided to create the new account, we tried several of the thicc girl bodies, and reborn was hands down the winner for all 3 of us. We loved the look we were able to achieve with it, and it felt quite natural to us. Today we are wearing not only our Reborn body, but some Juicy Roll and Soft Thigh mods.

I mentioned on the 7th that the new round of Unik had started, and today I bring you more goodies!

Saint – Epineuse Eyesahdow
Saint – Subtle Velvet Varnish
Juna Artistic Tattoo – Candy Tattoo
UpBeatz – Kami Shape *slight modification, see notes below.

Once again, since we only wear the leLutka Ora head, some very slight modifications were made to the UpBeatz – Kami Shape to round out the chin to compensate for it being made for the Avalon head.

After you are done snatching all the goodness from Unik, you can hop on over to LooKatMe and grab up some Mirina Garters for your own soft thighs !

What shopping trip would be complete without a stop at Short Leash ? You deffy need to make that stop to get you not just the Rave Baby Dance Floor and Rave Baby Neon Cubes, but you also can also grab the Supremacy Sofa too !


Saint – Epineuse Eyesahdow @ Unik
Saint – Subtle Velvet Varnish @ Unik
Juna Artistic Tattoo – Candy Tattoo @ Unik
UpBeatz – Kami Shape @ Unik *slight modification, see notes above
LooKatMe – Mirina Garters
Short Leash – Rave Baby Dance Floor
Short Leash – Rave Baby Neon Cube
Short Leash – Supremacy Sofa


REVERSE – Gracie Outfit
OPALE – Rolana Hair
MOON – Jelly Bracelets
Supernatural – Gwen Choker

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

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