Container Housing

In 1987, Philip C. Clark filed for a US patent for his “method for converting one or more steel shipping containers into a habitable building.” In 2022, Noveny released their Container Home for SL. The layout of this home gives loads of space with containers on each side of a walled in garden space in between. The large floor to ceiling windows in each end of the containers let you have the views and the walled inside garden offer a cozy private outdoor space as well.

Check back over the next couple of days to see more detailed interior and garden views !


Noveny – Container Home


Botanical – Boxwood Hedge
Botanical – Lawn Grass
Fundati – Creosote Bush
HPMD – Dirt Road
Little Branch – Lombardy Poplar
NSDesign – Garden Path Planter
Trompe Loeil – Daphne Planter Bucket Brown

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