Oh What A View


Dictatorshop – Breeze – Bed
Dictatorshop – Breeze – Nightstand

FNY Designs – Potted Orchid – Pink @ Cosmopolitan

NATURI – Abstract Painting
NATURI – Dania – Console
NATURI – Dania – Dry Plants Set

Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Decor Boxes @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Decor Plate @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Dressing Table @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Decor Plate @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Jewellery Cases @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Lotions @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Makeup @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Makeup Brushes @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Perfumes & Case @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Potted Ficus Belize Plant @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Potted Palm Plant @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Stool @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Table Mirror @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Wall Mirror @ Cosmopolitan
Soul2Soul – Coastal Chic Wardrobe @ Cosmopolitan

What Next – Diamonds Rug (natural)


Fundati – Beach Dunes
Landscapes Unlimited – TROPICAL PARADISE 1/4 Sim Corner
Soy – Reed Screen [Sudare] Dark – Half rolled

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

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