Let The Light In

As we mentioned a few weeks back, we have not been writing along with our posts because of all the things we have been dealing with in RL, finding words to go with them was mentally draining. We were trying to work through and cope with our grandmother suffering a second stroke, which put her into a very rapid downward spiral. This is the woman that raised us, and was our best friend.

It has been a week today since we promised her we were going to be okay, and that it was safe for her to let go because no one was going to let her fall. She went very shortly after we spoke those words, holding the hand of our Pop, her husband of 46 years. When I say that this past week has been the longest month and the shortest day we have ever known, there really is no way to express it any other way. In some ways this first week without her, has felt like a never ending road of ” Doing the things, not thinking about the things”. Detachment and distraction were our go to tools, we are quite good at using them. It also feels strange to sit here and think that it has been a full week, and wondering how it has been that long already. Most of that comes from the detachment, losing track of time but not losing time.

We survived this week, and we will survive the next one, and the ones after that. We know there are going to be times that really really suck, and we know there are going to be more and more times when we don’t measure how long we have been without her, We will find a new normal, and let more light in than dark.


LouChara – Sophie Buffet Console
LouChara – Sophie Candles
LouChara – Sophie Chair
LouChara – Sophie Wall Art

Why Not – Kilchrenan Art Work
Why Not – Kilchrenan Book Shelves
Why Not – Kilchrenan Coffee Table
Why Not – Kilchrenan Lamp Table
Why Not – Kilchrenan Long Sideboard
Why Not – Kilchrenan Olive Tree
Why Not – Kilchrenan Rug
Why Not – Kilchrenan Sofa


Landscapes Unlimited – Off-sim Corner Parcel Environment All-In-One
Nutmeg – Teatime Tray / 2
Trompe Loeil – Seabrook Beach Cottage White

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

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