Sunrise or Sunset

When looking at an image, how do you tell if you are looking at a sunset or a sunrise ?

Short answer is, without additional information, you can’t. If you are familiar with the location in the image, and can have a general sense of what direction the image was taken/painted from, then you can more likely make a better guess than if you don’t. If the image includes a notable landmark, you could discern the direction based on that landmark. If you know a particular house faces east, you are not going to see the sun rising in the background, as that would be the west, for example.

In general terms, sunrises tend to comprise of gentler colors of light pinks and lavenders as well as peaches. Sunsets would include bolder and richer shades of red, orange and pink. This is not by any means consistently true, but in general terms. The reasons being on the scientific spectrum.

At sunrise generally the air is cooler, and there is less dust and particulates in the atmosphere, thus giving the suns light less to refract. Less particulates, less color. Alternately, at sunset, the sky has been warmed all day long and has more dust and particulates to give bolder and deeper coloring.


Bricolage – Josephina Rug

Dictatorshop – Breeze – Dining Table

FNY Designs – Areca Palm @ Cosmopolitan
FNY Designs – Cana Lily @ Cosmopolitan
FNY Designs – Cat Palm @ Cosmopolitan
FNY Designs – Comon Fern @ Cosmopolitan
FNY Designs – Taro @ Cosmopolitan

HISA – Grass – Mixed Greens

Imegica – Bristol urbanCabin @ Cosmopolitan

KraftWork – Kitchen Clutter . Herbs Basket (Gold)
KraftWork – Austin Shelving . Falling Leaves Vase Mixed Green
KraftWork – Cerello Collection . Rose Vase
KraftWork – Heart Wreath Jar Light
KraftWork – Kitchen Rails . Dish Rack
KraftWork – Kitchen Rails . Flower Rack EXCLUSIVE
KraftWork – Kitchen Rails . Spoons Clutter
KraftWork – Kitchen Rails . Veggies Basket
KraftWork – Serene Collection . Flower Vase . Yellow Mood
KraftWork – Vejle Dining Collection . Minimalist Shelf
KraftWork + Pitaya – Reading Nook. Books 7


InsurrKtion – Pots & Pans Set – Deep Dutch Oven Green
InsurrKtion – Pots & Pans Set – Pepper Mill Orange
InsurrKtion – Pots & Pans Set – Skillet Red
Soy – Reed Screen [Sudare] Dark – Half rolled
Spruce – pastel alphabet fridge magnets
Trompe Loeil – Glacier Lake Set @ Collabor88

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

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