Seven Hells

Oh the very thought of this much snow in November, while it is not unheard of here in the North East, is still not something we look forward to. We have no issues with snow on Christmas Eve, and it can last till New Years, but then it has to go. 10 days at the most would be fantastic, but nothing longer than that. Tho, the UK gets alot less snow than we do, so there is something else to look forward to !


Duvet Day – Winter Conservatory @ Cosmopolitan
Duvet Day – Winter Conservatory Garden Waste @ Cosmopolitan
Duvet Day – Winter Conservatory Skis @ Cosmopolitan
Duvet Day – Winter Conservatory Table @ Cosmopolitan
Duvet Day – Winter Conservatory Watering Can @ Cosmopolitan
Duvet Day – Winter Conservatory Watering Can and Pots @ Cosmopolitan

GOOSE – Winter Bridge (snow) @ Cosmopolitan

Imegica – Victoria House v2 @ Hello Tuesday


DaD DESIGN – Snowy plant with pot mod.01
DaD DESIGN – Snowy plant with pot mod.02
DaD DESIGN – Snowy plant with pot mod.03
FINCA – Dirt Path I
Landscaping By Felix – Mesh Nature Scene #5
Landscaping By Felix – Mesh River Building Set
Skye – Rocky Shore Bank

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

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