A View To Live For

Would always prefer a view to live for, than one to die for. You can’t enjoy the things once you are dead, so why do we consider that preferable ?

We have a future to live for that is starting to become more of a reality than just a wish and a dream. The timeline has moved up dramatically, but as always we know it will be worth the panic and insanity now, to be able to love and enjoy it.

Our real life relationship with Troy is moving to a more physically together full time and married version in a month ! Eeeee !!! We had thought it was going to be in November, but life as always has a way of changing plans, so we are getting married in February instead.

What that means for the blog is that we will be taking a break while we get RL sorted and settled, and then we will be back with a new vengeance so keep your eyes out for our return.


The Green Door – Berrie House


Landscape By Felix – Mesh Rock Wall-Border with Way and River
HISA – Grass – Mixed Greens
Landscapes Unlimited – HIGHLANDS COAST
Skye Studio – Rocky Shore

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

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