
Days of Thanksgiving Day #5

Today we are thankful for vacations. We are eagerly awaiting next September, when Troy will be traveling to us, to be followed by us traveling to see him hopefully not long after. It will be the most amazing way to celebrate Troys 50th birthday, together.

Something we all can be thankful for right now, is the curve hugging Nashaly Jumpsuit and boots from LsR at Cosmopolitan from October 31st – November 12th.

The Trip pose set from LUSH is available at the POSEvent from October 27th – November 19th. While the set is originally made for males, it works just as perfectly for us ladies, and comes with suitcase prop as well.


LUSH – Trip @ POSEvent
LsR – Sexy Nashaly Jumpsuit @ Cosmopolitan
LsR – Sexy Nashaly Boots @ Cosmopolitan


DOUX – Fatima Hair
Roslyn – Fatima Shades – Group Gift
Tutti Belli – Delete Me Eyeshadow – Pack 4
Tutti Belli – Heated Lipstick – Pack 1


Focus Poses – Airport Terminal Backdrop


LUSH – Trip @ POSEvent

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

Burn Baby Burn

I have to admit, when we saw this Pyre from Short Leash for We Love Roleplay , running till October 28th, the ideas started flying through our heads about a post for it. We had so many thoughts going around and around about not just historical witch hunts, but the modern day ones as well. It saddens us that in this day and age, after all that history should have taught humanity about equality and freedom, it seems like we have taken more steps backwards than we have forward.

There is a 2006 movie called Idiocracy, which makes me wonder if the writers had gone back in time to make a movie that could be ripped right out of the present days news broadcast. I am not quite sure what makes us shake our head more, the fact that someone is afraid that a Disney movie is going to put a spell on them through their television, of that the news media who capitalized on her poor mental health.

While we are speaking of burning, this Sexy Cheryl suit from LsR at FameshedX is so hot it should come with its own fire extinguisher. It comes with the top, bottoms and arm chains. FameshedX runs until November 6th.

I can not speak about these Twinkles from Cerridwens Cauldron enough. they have quickly become a favorite of mine for so many things. In today’s photo they worked perfectly for adding some hot sparkly fire embers, but they can also be used to add some twinkly lights to your regular trees for a more festive look. You can grab these at a discounted price during the Hallow Manor event which runs until November 1st.


LsR – Sexy Cheryl @ FameshedX
Short Leash – The Pyre @ We Love Roleplay
Cerridwens Cauldron – Twinkles @ Hallow Manor – Discounted


TRUTH – Indigo
BLUEBELL – Crack Face Tattoo
BLUEBELL – Crack Body Tattoo
This Is Wrong – Vecna Shine


Fundati – Confier
Fundati – Hunter Pine
Synnergy Open book & Flying papers
FOXCITY – Witch Hunt – Moon


FOXCITY – Witch Hunt

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

One Kinky Witch

Calling us a kinky witch, would be quite the understatement. It also makes me chuckle remembering a conversation had one night at a live music show, tho I can not quite remember which one, there have been so many. The debate of the night was the difference between a kink and a fetish. This is something that tends to get blurry, and sadly too many people think that the two are interchangeable.

The simple explanation is that while a fetish can be a kink, not all kinks are fetishes. Another way to look at it, is that a kink is a want, and a fetish is a need. Becoming aroused by your girlfriend wearing stockings and heels is a kink. Not being able to become aroused unless she is wearing them, is a fetish.

So the next time you are wondering if that perverted little idea makes you kinky or a fetishist, just ask yourself if you can get off without it. If you enjoy it, but can get off just fine without it, you are kinky. If you can not even think about getting in the mood without it, you my friend, have a full fledged fetish !

Regardless of which team your pervy little mind leans, Short Leash most likely has something that will suit your fancy. Today I bring you several items that may just perk your interest, and perhaps other things as well. The Lilith’s End table is available at The Warehouse Sale till October 18th, and it matches Lilith’s Cage which you can find at the mainstore. These Pervy Pumpkins are the perfect decor item for all of your Kink or Treat parties and can be found at Kinky Monthly until October 22nd.

While you are over at Kinky Monthly you can also pick up this Sexy Fallon outfit and boots from LsR.

Click on over to the Lush Marketplace to find the Sabrina pose set, which is just perfect for any Kinky lil Witch, or Fetishist one.


LUSH – Sabrina @ Lush Marketplace
LsR – Sexy Fallon Outfit @ Kinky Monthly
LsR – Sexy Fallon Boots @ Kinky Monthly
Short Leash – Kinky Clutter – Pervy Pumpkins @ Kinky Monthly
Short Leash – Lilith’s End Table @ The Warehouse Sale
Short Leash – Lilith’s Cage


Doe – Lantern Hair
Mossu – Kira Faux Fur Stole
Deep Static – Patricia Glasses
RAWR – Ersa Set
Swallow – Earrings E05
Quills & Curiosities – Tesla Coil Earrings @ The Engine Room – GIFT


The Bearded Guy – Neon Jail Backdrop


LUSH – Sabrina @ Lush Marketplace

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

Hell Hath No Fury

If your path demands you walk through hell, walk as if you own the place – Unknown

Survivors of childhood trauma walk through a lot of hell, and by learning to own the place, is how we survive it. Walking that fine line between owning it, and becoming it, is a very thin one. You have to learn to be the devil, without becoming a demon yourself. You learn to leash your demons like hell hounds, but even the best trainers drop a leash from time to time, and those demons come back to taunt you even years later. Picking the leash back up is not always easy, but you just keep reminding yourself that you did it once, you can do it again.

The Sexy Demon Hanna outfit from LsR is available now at Salem Event, and as you can see it is hotter than hell itself ! This Devilish pose set from LUSH comes with its own trident, but works perfectly with the Hanna spear as well !


LsR – Sexy Demon Hanna @ Salem Event
LUSH – Devilish @ Lush Marketplace


DOUX – Greta Hairstyle
Synnergy – Dark Fire Wings
WarPaint – Sienna Lipgloss
This Is Wrong – Vecna Shine + Tattoo
This Is Wrong – Jungle Makeup
Supernatural – Kedima Necklace


Synnergy – Gates of Hell Backdrop


LUSH – Devilish @ Lush Marketplace

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

Cocoa To Go

Everyone going on about pumpkin spice season, and I am over here just cravin some Cocoa ! Since we have not been able to drink coffee since our heart attack, cocoa has been our go to hot beverage of choice. While we do enjoy tea from time to time, much to the dismay of our British love, we prefer it iced and not hot.

What we do prefer HOT is this Leilany outfit by LsR which you can find out at Tres Chic from September 17th – October 10th.


LsR – Leilany Suit @ Tres Chic


Wasabi – Raya Baret Hair
Bootys Beauty – Laila Shadow
Bootys Beauty – Magdalena Lips
Hive – coffee on the go v2.2
BUENO – March Bag – Gray
MevaDahlia Necklace
Reborn – Juicy Boobs


BuY ME – Stands 1


Your Dreams – Steamin’ Mugs – Coffee Bar

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.