Swans In The Garden

Swans are some of the most beautiful water fowl to behold, they also rate in the top 3 for viciousness. They are some mean bitches, especially if there are eggs or cygnets nearby. cygnets is the word for baby swans, in case you were unaware of that, now you know. Canadian geese and barnyard geese also rank right up there on the mean fowl scale !


Bloom – Ems gazebo

Hisa – Beech Trees

JIAN Pugs – Duckling Cuddles

Tm Creations – A touch of wildflowers Garden
Tm Creations – Swans Rocks Heart Garden Flowers @ Happy Event ( til March 28 )

What Next – Spring Bloom Tulip Planter
What Next – Springtime Tulips Wheelbarrow



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