Garden Of Secrets

Due to a recent rapid decline in a family member’s health, our own personal stress levels have increased. In order to try and maintain our own mental and cardiac health, we sadly had to made the decision to reduce our number of sponsors. This is the first decrease of sponsors we have made since we returned to blogging last August and is a decision we have been putting off longer than we should have, but we love blogging and it is one of our major relaxation activities.

You may notice that our posts are less talky for a while, as it is not always easy to find words every day. Due to the nature of the decline in our family member’s health this is not something they will recover from, we are at the stage of keep them comfortable and try and maintain the level we are at now.


SYNNERGY TAVIS – Fantasy Oasis [360] Backdrop

Useless Addiction – Ivy Fountain – Arch Wall Brown Stone @ SWANK Event
Useless Addiction – Ivy Fountain – Ivy Arch Forest @ SWANK Event
Useless Addiction – Ivy Fountain – Ivy Tree Wall @ SWANK Event
Useless Addiction – Ivy Fountain – Pink Ti Plant @ SWANK Event
Useless Addiction – Ivy Fountain – Pool Brown Stone Rare @ SWANK Event
Useless Addiction – Ivy Fountain – Tall Fern @ SWANK Event

Why Not ? – Kilninian Couples Garden Gazebo @ SWANK Event

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

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