If You Don’t Please

The reputation of cats as a whole, tends to lean towards the generalized attitude that cats are assholes. This reputation is nearly always well deserved, but in our personal experience, Siamese cats seem to pride themselves on nurturing this reputation and enjoying every second of it. While they can be some of the most loving and snuggly of companions, they tend to only extend that side of their personalities to a very select number of people. While most animals will bond with the one who brings the food, Siamese do not always bestow this privilege upon their feeder.


JIAN – Cat Deco Collection

KraftWork – Classic Wing Chair
KraftWork – Faux Sliding Door Art . Black Wood
KraftWork – Giant Fairy Kokedama . Hyacinth Orange
KraftWork – Illuminated Paneling . Light @ LEVEL
KraftWork – Naughty Chess Board . Used
KraftWork – Runner Rugs . Stripes Black
Kraftwork – Suede Bed @ ACCESS
KraftWork – Trolley Shelf . Light Bamboo @ FAMESHED

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.

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