Sunny Flowers

We have written before about the correlation between items or objects and people or memories. Sunflowers for us, are a Troy association, by proxy. Troy has a special link to sunflowers, and by sharing that emotional connection with us, they have become special to us, because they are special to him.

That is how love is supposed to work isn’t it ? You share yourself with another person so deeply, and you take in that other person so completely, that you share the joy of the other, even if it is not directed at or from you personally. You smile at sunflowers, because sunflowers make your partner smile.

This Sunflower Set from Second Nature Jewellery made us smile, because we thought of Troy, and he smiled seeing us wear it because of his own connection to them. And around and around it goes !

Love is beautiful, and so are sunflowers !


Second Nature JewellerySkye’s Sunflowers Set


ELIKATIRA Voyage Maxi Dress – Set 5
Truth Hair – Eclipse
Limerence – Dorothy Headdress RARE
Lempika – 15 Eyeshadow Lelutka Evox #8
Jack Spoon – Esty Lip Tint


FOXCITY – Glitter Box w Colour Lights


piXit – Solitude

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.


Amethyst is a member of the quartz family of minerals. It occurs naturally in volcanic rock, yet is unique in the fact that its shades of purple or violet are never uniform – So even tho it is all classified as the same mineral, each piece, is totally different and unique unto itself.

Amethyst is also considered to be quite a powerful tool in healing. It is said to have the power to alleviate stress and headaches and improve blood circulation for better health. Anyone suffering from insomnia, may find that keeping Amethyst crystals and gemstones close to their beds as they tried to sleep.

Amethyst absorbs and emits far-infrared radiation, which means that it is genuinely believed to be physically beneficial, if not controversial, when it comes to easing pain, improving circulation and inhibiting bacterial growth.

Any desires to enhance physical healing via the use of far-infrared radiation in Amethyst gemstones should only be pursued on the grounds of medical advice – we are not medical professionals and will not be responsible for anyone getting Amethyst crystals stuck in any orifices, swallowed, snorted or any other freak kinky thing you want to try.

All of that being said, I have to say that this stunning Stone In Love Amethyst Set from Second Nature Jewellery is sure to catch the eye of anyone in the vicinity. It is a bold set, meant to draw attention, in all the best ways !


Second Nature Jewellery – Stone In Love Amethyst Set


Doe – Poppyseed
Nuve – Michelle Eyebrows
Nuve – Michelle Lip Tint
Lempika – 15 Eyeshadow Lelutka Evox #7

Worn item credits are not included for non fashion featured posts.
For questions about what we may be wearing, please ask or see the body basics page.
Items or Poses marked with an * have been modified for the photo.
All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted.


After an extended 9 month Second Life vacation, we are back ! We made the choice to come back as a new account, a fresh clean inventory and a rejoining of our parts, stronger than we have ever been before.

When we were discussing what we wanted from our return, we all agreed that we wanted to blog again. It is something that we have all enjoyed individually, and so stepping back into that role was an easy decision.

Walking into a whole new account meant a plethora of choices for bodies, and heads and all the THINGS ! We have made the choice that we do not wish to play musical bodies / heads, and the eBody Reborn body, met all the preferences that we all had. LeLutka was a very easy brand decision, but it took a bit of demo time to finally decide on the Ora head.

We made a conscious decision that blogging this time around, was not going to become a “click and post” thing. We have enough experience with that, as well as over extending ourselves and our posts became more about meeting deadlines, and less about our own creativity and personality. So we hope that you look forward to the ramblings that will go along with our cliquing !


ELIKATIRA – Summit Romper
Yummy – Love Birds Layered Necklace
TRUTH – Meadow
Lempika – 15 Eyeshadow #8
Muac – 16 Lipstick
Bootys Beauty – Oola Lashes



Foxcity – Eyes On Me

All items found at mainstore or marketplace unless otherwise noted